Elizabethtown title loan

Fast Money Car Title Loans simplifies the car title loan process by collaborating with local lenders in Elizabethtown, to ensure that each applicant is connected with a reputable, trusted lender who can meet their financial needs. Qualifying for a car title loan has never been easier.

Do You Need a Title Loan in Elizabethtown?

At Fast Money Car Title Loans, applying for a loan is a fast and simple process.

Complete the Online Form

Applicants can begin by completing an online form, which captures important details about your vehicle, and the desired loan amount.

Customizing Your Elizabethtown Auto Equity Loan

At Fast Money Car Title Loans, we can help you find the right lender for your auto equity loan, one that will work your monthly income and ability to pay. Our customer service representatives are available to answer your questions and help you locate the right lender, round-the-clock.
We will use our network of lenders in Virginia and local lenders in Elizabethtown, to find a lender that can meet your unique needs.

Local Lender Matching

With our extensive network of local lenders in Elizabethtown, at Fast Money Car Title Loans, we can match you with a lender based on specific loan requirements.

Loan Terms

You will be connected with the selected local lender in Elizabethtown, to finalize details such as:

  • Loan amount
  • Interest rates
  • Repayment terms

Submitting Your Application

During the loan process, you will be required to submit documents that can help your lender determine whether you qualify for the loan and what your vehicle is worth. These documents include:

  • Government-issued photo ID
  • Vehicle title,
  • References unrelated to you
  • Insurance documentation

Assessing the Value of Your Vehicle

The value of your vehicle will determine the loan amount you qualify for. Details about your vehicle, including its year, make, model, extras, and mileage, are assessed to establish its worth.

Additional Documentation Needed

The lender may request a copy of your Social Security Card or a document listing both your name and SSN. Images of the vehicle from all sides, including the VIN and a photo of the odometer are often required as well.

The Approval Process

Once you have submitted all the required documents, the lender will evaluate your application and the supporting documents. Approval is based on factors such as your vehicle’s value and your repayment capacity. Because the loan is heavily based on the value of your vehicle, you can still qualify, even if you have had a bankruptcy or you have poor credit or no credit.

Understanding Collateral-Based Lending

Even if you’ve had a bankruptcy, you have no credit, or you have a low credit score, you can still qualify for a car title loan. A CTL is a type of collateral-based loan. This means, the loan amount you’re approved for is based strictly on the value of your vehicle. When you’re approved for the loan, you will need to send the lender your car title. However, as you pay back the loan, you can still drive your vehicle.

Disbursement of Funds

If you qualify, you’ll receive the approved loan amount through a check or direct deposit.

Contact Us Today

If you live in Elizabethtown, and you’re facing challenging times, you can turn to Fast Money Car Title Loans to be connected with local reputable lenders. To apply now, fill out the form on this page to be connected with local lenders.